Stop hoofing it Luiz !!

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Mehmet Gurdal Cetin
Posts: 4210
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Stop hoofing it Luiz !!

Post by Mehmet Gurdal Cetin »


It may smack of trying to sell coal to Newcastle - but David Beckham is putting his footballing reputation on the line by teaching Brazilians how to play the beautiful game.

The soccer superstar is due to announce plans for his third academy - the Beckham World of Sport in Brazil - at a planned luxury complex near the city of Natal.

Beckham is a partner in the Cabo São Roque resort project and will oversee the academy.

He already has two academies, in London and California, and is in Brazil to launch the third.

The centre will have a mini-stadium, football pitches, training facilities and accommodation.

As part of the launch Beckham will also announce a scholarship programme available to Brazilian children that will actively reach out to schools within the region.

He hopes that they will benefit from on-site coaching and access to top-class facilities.

However, some cynics have suggested that teaching the finer points of football in Brazil, where natural ability and flair appear to be in the DNA of every youngster, would further reduce the already slim chances of England lifting the World Cup again. :) HAHAHAHA

Bana gore gunun en iyi yazisi..
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