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Leo,Leo Bacica wrote:Oh, yeah, sure, Steaua is the devil, the care-nothing-but-the result sons of bitches. Ok, now, you're getting towards the attitude I expected.And, let me guess... the Turks did not care about the result, they just wanted good football, right? Yeah, yeah, I'm sure about that.
Murat abi -Murat Gokcigdem wrote:Pictures from today's practice..
Bana da tam tersi gibi geldi. Kewell'la Umit'in oynayamayacagini, kalede Aykut'un oynayacagini ve Lincoln'un yarin oynayacagini aciklamis. Daha fazla pek bir sir kalmiyor.Mert Tokman wrote: Nasil bir taktik dizilisle cikacagini sir gibi sakliyor - insallah buyuk bir supriz yapmaya kalkismaz...
Hagi was good but and helped GS. He was returning home as one of the "has been" from Spain as his tail between his legs until he joined GS. No one was touching him at that time. Most importanly, he was costing GS the UEFA cup on the final by being expelled after punching the Arsenal player. I will never forget and ever forgive that stupidity of his. The team captain Bulent who carried team with his incredible defending although his shoulder was banged and wrapped with. So, Hagi alone cannot be counted for the UEA cup at all. The team played almost all of the extra time without him as one man down. This was his UEFA cup legacy as far as I am concerned.Murat Kara wrote:Probably not! But Hagi could not do it w/o GS eitherLeo Bacica wrote: Oh, and about the UEFA Cup... really great performace!!! Would you have done it without Hagi?
GS is usually very generous against the opponents at the beginning of the games. Use it or lose it! (But then somehow it is always the one which goes to the group stage)
Will be a good game and whatever the result, we'll probably meet at or after the 3rd round of the UEFA cup early next year.
Bu Skibbe'nin basin toplantilari iyice komediye dondu. Basin toplantisini o degil tercuman yapiyor masallah. Boyle adamin agzindan telepati ile aldigi mesajlari veriyor adam. FB'ninkine gulerken bizdeki daha yaman cikti. Acaba Skibbe karindan mi konusuyor bile diye meraklandim.Murat Gokcigdem wrote:Bu basin toplantisinin goruntulerini ve ayrintili soylenenleri gormemistim, tesekkurler Mert.
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Leo, you are turning out to be an undercover philosopher. I am a philosopher tooLeo Bacica wrote: Things are exactly how they should be, in the best of the possible worlds.
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